Tuesday 3 November 2009

The Burger - Dolphin Inn, Canterbury

The Dolphin Inn, Canterbury is a SICK pub. Good beer, badass garden, boardgames and what's this? A pimped out burger? Yes please!

You get 2 choices of toppings from a good looking list. I was torn between bacon/stilton and brie/onion. Decided to hit up the brie and onion for a change after being reccommended it by some mates.

The food to a little while to arrive, but when it did, all doubts were swept away! An enourmous plate housing a huge mound of good chips, a pile of fresh and leafy salad, one mighty burger and some coleslaw, BAM!

We were inundated with tiny pots of various condiments without asking, always a good sign hah! The burger was a thick homemade job, well cooked, topped with a big pile of brie and fried onions and encased in a floury wholemeal bun. I added some of the leafy goodness and fresh red onion from the salad along with some condimental goodness.

First bite yealded an excellent beefy flavour with the sweetness of the onions and creamy brie flavours coming through. The salad added a nice crunch and I felt the satisfaction of a damned good burger.

The only let down to this delicious array was the coleslaw. It looked rather limp and old, but did seem homemade. After a small bite, I wasn't interested and left it. Didn't matter though as it was seemingly just plate decoration for the POWERFUL burger.

Go Dolphin, eat burger, be stoked.

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